
专著推荐 | Translation as Metaphor

通讯君 翻译学通讯 2022-06-09




本期推荐书目:Translation as Metaphor 499元RMB  价格包括书费、国际物流、关税、税票等一揽子在内!


购书联系人:孙老师 18321711365 (电话同微信)

In today’s ever-changing climate of disintegration and recombination, translation has become one of the essential metaphors, if not the metaphor, of our globalized world. Translation and Metaphor is an attempt to draw a comprehensive map of these new, overlapping theoretical territories and the many cross-disciplinary movements they imply. In five chapters, this book examines:

1 the main metaphor theories developed in the West;

2 the way the notion of metaphor relates to the concept of translation;

3 different theoretical perspectives on metaphors of translation in translation studies;

4 the main metaphors developed to describe translation in the West and in the East;

5 spatial metaphors within translation studies, cultural studies and postcolonial theory;

6the use of the metaphor of translation across psychoanalysis, anthropology and ethnography, postcolonial theory, history and literature, sociology, media and communication theory, medicine and genetics.

Comprehensive analysis of key metaphor theories, revealing examples from a wide range of sources and a look towards future directions make this a must-have book for students, researchers and translators working in the areas of translation and translation theory.



Rainer Guldin

is Lecturer for German Language and Culture at the Faculty of Communication Sciences at the Università della Svizzera Italiana in Lugano (Switzerland). His publications include Political Landscapes: On the Relationship between Space and National Identity (2014) and The Language of the Sky: A History of the Clouds (2006).




Preface and Acknowledgments


I. Metaphor and Its Relationship to Translation

II. Metaphors for Translation

III. From Spatial Metaphors of Translation to Translation as a Spatial Metaphor

IV. Translation as Metaphor in Psychoanalysis, Anthropology and Ethnography, Postcolonial Theory, History and Literature

V. Translation as Metaphor in Sociology, Media and Communication Theory, Medicine, Genetics and Interdisciplinary Exchanges



推荐语 (节选)

"Rainer Guldin’s Translation as Metaphor admirably fills a pressing need in our knowledge of changes in the humanities and social sciences over the past few decades, focusing on how translation functions as a metaphor in a wide variety of disciplines. A must-read for anyone who wants to understand how the way in which we know our new globalized world is being transformed."

James St. André, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China

"Translation as Metaphor offers an absorbing account of the ways in which notions of translation and metaphor have informed each other across a very broad range of disciplines from psychoanalysis to genetics. Rainer Guldin offers a bold and lucid demonstration of how to understand translation as metaphor is to understand fundamental aspects of our contemporary condition."

Michael Cronin, Dublin City University, Ireland

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本文编辑:吉林大学  王峰

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